Body and Mind
The body and the mind interact in such subtle and powerful ways. This insight has been part of wisdom and common knowledge for thousands of years. However, recently many exciting developments are taking place on a number of fronts that are deepening our understanding of the inter-relationship of these two domains. For example, significant research cited by Bessel van der Kolk and others researching the phenomena involved with PTSD (Post Traumatic Stress Disorder) have shown that one of the most effective ways of working through trauma is through body-based psychotherapies, where the mind and the body are integrated. This has been asserted by psychotherapists for over a century, but only now does it seem to be gaining something of a foothold. We at Body and Mind are excited about these developments and aim to help co-ordinate these two vital areas in our work. Some of ideas can be found in our book, "What Happens when you touch the Body"--available through Amazon and other online outlets.